Customized Flexible Switches and Sensors










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Our patented technologies and processes enable the design and

manufacture of flexible analog and digital switches and

sensors like none other in the world. Our patent

pending "Electric Rubber Rope" is truly a

breakthrough in Design, Durability,

and Capabilities.

STTS Sensor manufacturing facility

Who We Are ...

We create, design, manufacture and sell products utilizing our patented analog and digital switch and sensor technologies. These switches and sensors are sold in a variety of shapes, sizes, and volumes in a wide range of applications.

What We Do ...

We are the newest high-tech manufacturing company in western PA. STTS Switch and Sensor has developed a completely tactile switching and sensing technology using either analog or digital technology. We make safety and commercial mats, strip sensors, reversing edges, bumpers, impact sensors, and wheelchair and hospital bed sensors. Our product offering provides the perfect solutions for custom applications in general industry, as well as the transportation, medical devices, consumer products, security, and government and law enforcement markets.



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230 Westec Drive
Mt. Pleasant, PA  15666
Ph:   (888) 696-5678
Fax:  (888) 696-5661

This site was last updated on 02/13/03


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